My Doctor Recommends an Opioid Drug for My Back Pain; Should I Take it?

My Doctor Recommends an Opioid Drug for My Back Pain; Should I Take it? post thumbnail


A prestigious study looked at the effectiveness of opioid drugs in reducing acute low back and neck pain.

Who Conducted the Study?

The study was recently reported in The Lancet, a well-respected British medical journal.

How Was the Study Conducted?

The primary objective of this study was to “determine any differences in pain severity between the two groups:” those receiving an opioid drug and those receiving a placebo (an inactive drug). This was a “double-blind study.” In other words, neither the patients suffering pain nor their caregivers knew if the drug being taken was an opioid or a placebo. Opioid drugs are much in the news because many people have become addicted to them. One prominent example is the prescription drug Oxycontin.

What did the Study Reveal?

The results demonstrated that opioid drugs are no more effective than a placebo (an inactive pill) for the relief of acute low back or neck pains. Based on their findings, the authors call for a “change in the frequent use of opioids for these conditions.”

What is the Take Home Message?

The effectiveness of chiropractic care for acute low back and neck pain is well documented. Instead of reaching for a pill of any sort, contact a doctor who specializes in the relief of these conditions – without drugs and without surgery — a chiropractor.

Yours for Better Health,

Jon Mills, DC

