Cox Technic: The First Name in Spinal Pain Relief

Cox Technic: The First Name in Spinal Pain Relief post thumbnail

Dr. Mills has completed the coursework and testing to become a Cox Technic Certified Doctor – one of only a handful in the DFW area. Cox Technic is a research-documented spinal manipulation technique to relieve lower back painneck painarm painleg pain and a host of other spinal related conditions like disc herniation, spinal stenosis, post-surgical continued pain, and pregnancy related back pain. Cox Technic has nearly 50 years of documentation supporting the science of this non-surgical alternative to back surgery.

What does the Research Show?

From clinical case reports and series – online and in journals – collected and published by individual chiropractors to large scale federally funded biomechanical studies and high-level randomized clinical trials, Cox Technic has developed a sturdy foundation of spine care research. In the largest data collection of low back pain outcomes (1000 cases), a mean of 12 visits in 29 days to relieved pain. For cervical spine, 13 visits was the mean.

Research objectives are focused on documenting the actual effect Cox Technic flexion distraction and decompression has on the spine and its nerves to relieve pain. The research is clear. Cox Technic drops the painful pressure in the spine in days. Research shows that, on average, full pain relief is achieved in 29 days or 12 visits

What is the Lesson Learned?

Patients seeking relief of their lower back pain and neck pain can rest easy knowing that Cox Technic flexion distraction protocols are researched, safe, and gentle.

Cox Technic works. Proven by research and by thousands of patients.

Check out my newest video below to view how we intergrate the cox technic into our clients routine. 

Yours for better health,

Dr. Jon Mills, DC
