Adjusting to New Times post thumbnail

Adjusting to New Times

We are all dealing with the pandemic as best we can. I found this diagram very helpful in directing my mind to the places where it should be. I
Can Cox Chiropractic Help Me After Back Surgery? post thumbnail

Can Cox Chiropractic Help Me After Back Surgery?

While many doctors warn patients of the risks involved with receiving chiropractic treatments after surgery, chiropractic care has the potential to help people suffering with back pain after surgery,
Your Backpack Stresses Your Back post thumbnail

Your Backpack Stresses Your Back

This can cause your spine to compress unnaturally. People who carry heavy backpacks sometimes lean forward. Over time this can cause the shoulders to become rounded and the upper
Can Steroid Injections Increase Arthritis? post thumbnail

Can Steroid Injections Increase Arthritis?

An injection of a corticosteroid (sometimes combined with a local anesthetic) directly into an individual joint can reduce inflammation and pain due to arthritis. The effect may last for
What Does Consumer Reports Say About Chiropractic? post thumbnail

What Does Consumer Reports Say About Chiropractic?

If you want to start an argument, ask a bunch of people what works best for lower back pain. Just about everyone will have an opinion (since just about
Do I Really Have High Blood Pressure? post thumbnail

Do I Really Have High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure has no symptoms: you don’t know if you have it. You must be tested to find out. It is often called the “silent killer” because it